Call/Text the Studio:  888-747-9472

september, 2023

21sep(sep 21)9:00 am23(sep 23)12:00 pmRummage, Soup and Bake Sale9:00 am - 12:00 pm (23)

Event Details

United Church of Christ will hold its Rummage, Soup, and Bake Sale September
21-23.  Hours are Thursday and Friday
9 AM – 5 PM and Saturday 9 AM – noon. Saturday is
Bag Day – fill a garbage bag for $5.00.
Outside sales run all
week beginning on Monday, September 18. In addition to clothing and household
items, the sale includes collectibles, books, toys, decorations, and a variety
of other treasures. All proceeds are given away to support our neighbors in
need in the local area and around the world.
The church is located west of Lewisburg at 875
Dreisbach Church Road, Lewisburg, PA. 


21 (Thursday) 9:00 am - 23 (Saturday) 12:00 pm

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