WGRC Event Calendar Guidelines
Please take a moment to read the following guidelines prior to your event submission. By submitting an event to WGRC you are verifying that you have read and agree to the guidelines as outlined below.
Event Calendar Basics
The WGRC Event Calendar, online and on air, is available to churches and other organizations with a 501 C3 non-profit designation.
Your event must align with WGRC Content Guidelines to be posted online or aired on WGRC-FM.
We will not accept any event submissions through mail, phone, or email. All events must be submitted through the online event submission form at WGRC.com/submit-an-event.
To have your event aired on WGRC-FM it must be submitted 30 days in advance of event date or registration deadline (whichever date is first).
To have your event posted online we do not require the 30 day notice, but please note that it could take up to three business days to process event submissions – therefore we suggest you submit your event at least one week prior to your event to ensure it is available to the public on time.
WGRC reserves the right to edit or reject any announcement that does not meet the outlined criteria.
All event submissions will be reviewed and are subject to approval by WGRC.
If the event is a fundraiser, please indicate specifically who the proceeds will benefit. If your event is associated with a for-profit business – 100% of the proceeds must directly benefit the church or non-profit organization.
WGRC will only air bingo and Chinese auction events if 100% of the proceeds directly benefit a church or non-profit organization. (Note: This must be clearly stated within the information submitted to WGRC.)
WGRC reserves the right to refrain from promoting events/activities which may not be consistent with the organization’s mission.
WGRC cannot list regular service times for churches; however special one-time church events are welcome.
The contact person for the event submission will be held responsible for the accuracy of the event content.
On Air Announcements
WGRC will gladly announce your event on air, but we do have a few additional guidelines we must follow for the Event Calendar that airs on WGRC-FM:
1 – Event calendar basics, deadlines and content guidelines listed above must be followed to have your event aired on WGRC-FM.
2 – WGRC cannot promote any fundraisers on air unless they are clearly attached to a church or 501 C3 non-profit organization.
3 – WGRC is unable to air announcements for fundraisers at commercial businesses, such as restaurants, which involve an invitation to purchase services at the business. The online event calendar is available for these events.
4 – WGRC does not air business sponsor names attached to events.
5 – WGRC does not include contact phone numbers or email addresses in our on air event calendar. By default, we will point listeners to your website, if provided with your submission. Otherwise we will simply state “call church office” or point listeners back to the WGRC Event Calendar online.
6 – On air event calendar announcements cannot list information regarding fees for your event. This information may be included with your online event calendar posting.
7 – For weekly meetings, initial meetings will be aired – future recurrences aren’t guaranteed to air – but may be posted on the online event calendar.
Frequency of Announcements
The frequency of your event announcement on WGRC-FM will vary. We are unable to guarantee any specific schedule or number of announcements. On average individual events air 2 to 4 times per week. Your event will begin airing two weeks prior to the event date or registration deadline (whichever date is first).
To guarantee that WGRC listeners hear about your event we suggest you contact a member of our underwriting team to find out about the paid options and discounted packages we have available to churches and 501 C3 non-profit organizations.
National and Produced Public Service Announcements
To send WGRC your produced Public Service Announcements please send them attention Bruce Matthews via email: email@wgrc.com or via mail: 101 Armory Blvd / Lewisburg, PA 17837.
Still have questions? Please contact us via email email@WGRC.com or by phone (Mon-Fri 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM) 800-546-9472.